The Pattern is a path for processing thought. It is a place to move slowly, to enable thoughts to settle, a sieve or a filter. Turn a corner, wind towards center. Observe thoughts inside and outside of the pattern. The Pattern represents the possibility of embodied peace: “Positive Peace”.
Positive Peace is the presence of Equality, the restoration of Justice, and the healing of relationships. It is how we create social systems to serve the needs of all persons. Positive peace is not simply the absence of direct violence. It is the absence of both direct and indirect violence, a position completely free of worry or fear. If you desire peace, prepare for peace
The rise of soft power
dissolving of hard power
the radicalist
the gradualist
choose speed of reform
where begins process of total disarmament—
here or then?
peace as stillness
between conflicts
or peace as stillness
A description of harmony
A walking peace
Shifting energy of liberation into energy of building
examine state within to be peace
and build peace
A tarnished mirror that shines when polished
dipped in mud
passed through fire
A conscious effort to elevate life-condition
human revolution
healing the dull mirror
who could be your master?
how could anyone be your master?
The definition of Peace is itself unstable, varied, not agreed on. Positive peace has many simple and many complex forms. It operates at all scales, from momentary pleasure, self-healing and well being, to the complete restructuring of all societies, the complete elimination of all violence and oppression. Positive peace is a state of calm alert, a position free of worry or fear, a state of readiness held comfortably in place by external structures that affirm and improve life. Emperor Ashoka ended a long period of bloody conflict and Imperial expansion by enforcing a regime of peace throughout the empire. Stone monuments displayed his edicts of forgiveness, nonviolence, and quality of life for all beings. Carved in stone: amnesty for prisoners, an end to war, elephant sanctuaries, forests that could not be cut down. A harmonic form of dominance, derived from Imperial power. “All men are my children. What I desire for my own children, and I desire their welfare and happiness both in this world and the next, that I desire for all men. You do not understand to what extent I desire this, and if some of you do understand, you do not understand the full extent of my desire.”
What is state of readiness?
state of readiness for violence?
state of readiness for non-violence?
Positive Peace is self-control, self-rule: for you, it is an inward peace-keeping operation, refining your focus towards openness and compassion. No greater or lesser dominion than over yourself? Positive Peace is a state of being not grounded in specific actions. It continues forever as a process in the background of all human interactions. It is the beginning and the end of peaceful communication.
Do you hear that? Whistling sound? Should we tell them about it? How many are you? Who is responsible? Who owns the air? How? Does capitalism erode all pleasure? Yes or no? What does pleasure erode? Which is better: vision in motion, or discovering the subconscious?
How quietly can you speak? Show me? How far can you see? Questions for women? Yes or no? Image of the sun pendulum. Observe the sky? What is changing? Glacier in retreat, or water in advance? Observe the sky? Uncertainty or pattern? Observe the sky?