EXISTERS resist without intervening, subsist without consuming. They are everything about living except life, showing the effects of attention on a thing over time. “EXISTERS” harkens to all things slow, delicate, and sharp–music for drifters, onlookers, and aliens of the everyday,
The EXISTER, the lurker in the dusty corner, is the one who watches, and by watching brings an event to life. EXISTERS are embodied by the Low Frequency Oscillator, an undertow that never fully begins or ends, that saturates a space with unresolved attention.
The DOERS possess an industriousness, a momentum. DOERS power through nothing and name it something. DOERS prefer the sunshine, while EXISTERS prefer the shade. The DOERS are embodied by the sequencer, a sense of movement, a ticking, a clicking, a powerful feeling of action, an attitude and a voice.
For REPEATERS, held separate from beginnings, too wearied by the present to energetically greet the future, change has lost meaning. REPEATERS, opposed to stability, sleepily perpetuate lability: after an infinitesimal perturbation, they have left their initial state for ever.
CREEPERS are pure effort, negative pleasure, growing from a lack, a vacuum, not from any need or desire. Working a job, moving in spasms from stop to stop.
STREETERS imitate, mock, lampoon and profane. They reproduce, they wear costumes. They protest, producing expressions of objection, negating and cancelling. The STREETERS are engaged in “civil disobedience”–a polite (eg. non-violent) refusal, as well as a refusal of politeness (removing oneself from the rule of law).
EXISTERS can be exhausted, weighed down, asleep, but EXISTERS don’t remove themselves from the world while sleeping, or spacing out, or changing speed. For the EXISTER these are ways of being in the world, of staking a position against an ecstatic background. These are gentle, lazy, face-to-face contacts with infinity.
Plural titles indicate the proliferation of life. In all its disparate values and manifestations, life multiplies.